Hi it's Jaune, the night before the festival, me and my friends went out drinking, I woke up, with a cursed sword, know as the relic of destruction haunted by a demonic being, Married to Five out of Six of my female friends, oh and to top it off, we missed Doomsday. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). Jaune was Ruby's mate. MORE CHAPTERS! "They don't care ab Jaune's transcripts were revealed by Cardin after he saved him from the Ursa. Little does the glum Reaper know that she would soon be taken on an adventure through memory lane as her friends bring her gifts, some of which will be very useful in the years, and battles, to come. Then it starts to get dark. The light spear that Kokabiel used to attack Jaune bounced off as if it was nothing but a rubber ball. I love Jaune and cant find too many good fics can you recommend some, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. #biker #fighting #jaune #jaunearc #rwby Script-like. A lot of his work on RWBY is Jaune-centric, but it's rare that he'll make it an overpowered monster. However, before she could finish the job, his world changed, waking up in the past, a few months before the start of his first semester at Beacon. Mentioned Team STRQ. RWBY - Rated: T - English - Humor/Parody - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,806 - Reviews: 23 . #rwby, Over the next several weeks Jaune began his intense regiment under Zach's supervision, For the next several weeks Jaune besides eating and sleeping did nothing but train, In his cell he did push-ups sit-ups squats pull-ups until he was utterly exhausted, When he regained his breath he started over again, the thing that most people didn't know about the prison is that it had an underground fight club run by the guards, Zach wasn't allowed to participate as he was undefeated and the guards made bets on who won, Zach had Jaune enter but he warned him there was only three rules, Zach: remember kid there are only three rules you're not allowed to kill the other guy, Zach: there is no time limit it's either not the other guy down or get knocked down, And everything goes weapons batons your fist, Jaune enter the makeshift arena and faced his opponent, His opponent pulled out of shiv and started slashing at Jaune, Likely because of Zach's pointers Jaune was able to dodge the next strikes, Jaune(this guy has no technique he's an amateur I have to do is wait for him to go open and I strike), The next swing the prisoners chest was wide open and Jaune tackled him and punched him repeatedly in the face after a few short seconds the guard pulled him off and he was knocked out, Jaune was surprised that he had one but I knew as long as he was in his prison Zach was going to enter him in more fights, In the yard Jaune was on the weight lifters set for that one hour a day Jaune was lifting weights every time you got used to one set Zach added more weight, To help with his speed and stamina Zach had Jaune play basketball for the next several weeks, He was not allowed to take breaks and he was not allowed to have any water this was all the boost his speed and stamina, At night Jaune did stretching to help you himself be extremely nimble, Zack also used in connections take make sure Jaune was on a steady diet full of carbohydrates high protein metals and plenty of nutrition, Everytime Jaune got used to the training Zach doubled it sometimes even tripled it, After the first two months Jaune's body went through a major transformation, He was now spotting a six pack and everywhere he had thick muscles and a few scars from The underground arena, For the next month Zach train Jaune's mind and used his connections to smuggle books into the prison he taught him everything he needed to know how to survive in the outside what kind of work he would need the knowledge and skill he would, In one book Jaune learn about the ins-and-outs of every known vehicle around remnant how to change oil how to repair it even how to change the axles if they break, in the underground arena it got even harder I see at the face tougher opponents but now with his body of a fighter Jaune was now able to hold his own, Zach was not only teaching him with books he was not a teaching on his own techniques when he was a huntsman including martial arts training, The workout before was nothing compared to Zach's personal training everyday Jaune went to bed after a hard training session he immediately went to sleep as he was just that tired, Infiltrating the banished Knights scrap yard. 456K 6.5K 74. People celebrate Halloween but seemingly forget its Rubys birthday. However, before she could finish the job, his world changed, waking up in the past, a few months before the start of his first semester at Beacon. I never really thought I'd be here, I never thought I'd live this long. However, the next moment, people's eyes became so wide, it was as if it was going to fall to the ground. Life was complicated for Jaune Arc and Ruby Rose, and it only got worse when two immortals got stuck in their heads and decided that they needed to continue their eternal war with their new hosts. Heartbroken, he enters the Emerald forest and sadly, he doesn't make it out alive. Knights will fall and tears the world asunder I would highly prefer if the story still followed the rules of the RWBY universe, but as long as they dont break the powerscaling, Im willing to read them. Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net; Summary. You're Under Arrest! If only the peace between Mantle and Atlas wasn't crumbling all around them. (Part I) (Weiss x Jaune) [Continues from the "Tea and Scones" series]Update on 11/10/18: Let's Be Weiss About This! Reason? Both team RWBY and JNPR have a practice match with each other. As a child, Jaune Arc always dreamt of being a huntsman. For more information, please see our Not 2021, they are kinda old, actually, but check the fanfic writer Coeur Al'Aran. Come for the porn, stay for the plot, get the feelings going. Warning: This is rated A for lemon scenes, sexual content, and foul language. SEE: Neo attack Jaune in the lagoon! Watch the official DA Team profile for news, product releases, and devious activities: Rather, instead of just being completely worthless, the reason that his family doesn't want him to become a Hunter is very different indeed. To make matters worse, his mother threw him off the fourth-story window of their house. Share. She introduces Jaune to a world of secrets the aspiring knight never expected. Jaune arc wanted to be a huntsman, he wanted to be a hero. Nora always managed to cheer him up with her usual hyperactive personality.No matter how much he wanted to hate them, he couldnt do it but he knew that if they would ever meet again, it would be a long time before they could ever fix the bond that was cut. Jaune transcripts were revealed as usual and he was disowned, but his team stood by his side while the rest didn't. Throughout the explanation, professor Oak kept a neutral expression, but internally he was furious. Said the young blonde in hopes of calming it down. RWBY Reacts to the Arc of Injustic. FanfictionBot 1 yr. ago. While staying there, he found himself waking up one morning with a woman who he'd swear was Blake. In a forest not far off from Pallet town, a young boy who looks to be seven years old could be seen lying on the ground before suddenly groaning as the sunlight stated to hit his eyes. We must get him to my lab!" Jaune Arc will save this world from both his father and itself. In between episodes, the girls and guys of RWBY engage in, shall we say, extracirricular activities. To his surprise, Arceus just chuckled before answering his question in a calm tone.Arceus: " There is no need to call me Lord, just Arceus is fine. We'll witness him overcoming hardships with Ruby [Reaper], Weiss [Mage], Blake [Assassin], Yang [Brawler], Nora [Barbarian] and Ren [Monk]. They can be one-shot stories too, and Im in the mood for stories that focus on Jaunes Semblance from the show instead of some stupid ass anime power-up. Can make a mountain of pancakes disappeared in seconds and fight an Ursa Major. another jaune betrayed fic but jaune will get the power of the gamer He just doesn't know why everyone is so fucking scared of him and who is this monster they keep referring to? It was uneven, cluttered with trees and undergrowth that threatened to trip him up if he made a misstep. Bang! He doesn't remember the events of the volumes but now him and the others can be warned. The only difference is that this time, he's sick and tired of all of his Drunken marriages, causing him to go on a rant about what he thinks about the subject. He felt bad for Jaune as he had one of the purest hearts he had ever seen and he was treated so badly by people that he once called his friends.Arceus: " Very well then, however I will have to make younger so that you will have time to learn some more about the world before you set off so I will make you 7 years younger. #4. Paying attention, he saw the Pokemon was hurt and covered in bruises and, in an instant, he knew what he had to do. by FireLord969. Was that so much to ask? I'm no longer Jaune Arc, The black sheep of the Arcs, or Beacon's failed knight. At initiation he manages to kill a Grimm but he is injured in the process and decides to die fighting. After hearing the bedtime stories his mother used to tell him and the history of their family name from his fat After being betrayed by everyone when Cardin chose to repay his mercy by exposing him, he got bullied both verbally, physically and publicly. A spinoff of my "RWBY Kink Fics" series where I do a bunch of unconnected one-shots generally featuring Jaune and various RWBY girls, but with a more monstrous twist. The only ones who stayed with him were Ruby, Blake, Nora, Ren, Pyrrha, CFVY After having his transcripts revealed at Beacon, Jaune Arc is shunned and bullied by everyone except Ruby, Yang, Nora, Ren, Pyrrha, Blake, Goodwitch, and Ozpin. To which Arceus nodded. Almost 18 Years Later, Jaune Was About To Turn 18 And He IS Still Shy About Getting A Girlfriend, So His Mother Reika, Decides To Help Out. To show your humanity in a world that is lacking in it.Remember, comments, kudos, and subscriptions keep most of my stories going. Jaune Arc was not born from Juniper and Julius Arc, but instead born the later's brother. Team JNPR will fight to get out off from team RWBY's shadow. Jaune Arc was taught by four of the most powerful hunters that Beacon Academy has ever produced, though three are now criminals. But im actually kind of happy I After dying by the hands of Uldren Sov, Cayde-6 find himself in a new body and on a new planet. Said the professor with Jaune having a surprised look on his face. by The Draigg remains one of my all-time favourite RWBY fics. Team JNPR will fight to get out off from team RWBY's shadow. Yet again, Jaune has managed to wake up in bed with a stranger after getting ridiculously drunk. Asked the kid to which the man answered with a nod. A romance soon blossoms.but with the laws huntsmen must follow that makes it forbid. But once inside, they end up stuck inside for Oum knows how long. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. Their betrayal hurt more than anything and they meant so much to him. Their life at Beacon was only gonna get more difficult from there. Rather through love letters, drugged tea, kidnapping, or whatever their yandere hearts desire. He is made more heroic while Team RWBY act OOC (incredibly common in fanfiction, with Team RWBY trasformed in incompetent damisels in distress for Jaune sake). Just then a scroll call changes his life. The final battle between team RWBY and Salem had finally comeand they lost. Weiss is on the most boring date in her life, but her night changes for the better in ways she could never have imagined. The Jaune Multiverse by Buster Seven. What if Jaune's family, excludi From huntsman in training to a nobody, to a bountyhuntery. The pillar collapses revealing an adonis bodied Jaune Arc, short blond hair now a waist length black, Crocea mors now a black katana held in a lazy grip, pitch black runes crisscrossing the defined muscles. Walking through the forest, the massive-titted milf comes across a clearing.., and a blond teen with a huge cock. That was the greatest thing to do for her, yep! Jaune Arc/Team RWBY (30) Jaune Arc/Pyrrha Nikos (13) Jaune Arc/Blake Belladonna (12) Jaune Arc/Ruby Rose (10) Jaune Arc/Yang Xiao Long (10) Now, with the knowledge of the future, with an arsenal of Semblances, he will make ensure that he won't fail this time around. Before he was brought here he felt Arceus implant some information into his head as well as directions to a place called Pallet Town where he was supposed to meet a man called Professor Oak. Something was searching every continent, every city. The police did not listen and took him into custody without hearing him out, Jaune learn he was being charged for a robbery at a nearby convenience store, The bad news is that the security camera was not working and the store clerk who dropped his glasses mistakenly identified him as the one who robbed him, Jaune was sitting in the county jail hoping that someone would come to bail him out but no one did, At his trial he was a goner from the start, The amount of circumstantial evidence and a defense attorney who looked way to overworked Jaune knew his chances were minimal, He looked at the courthouse every day of his trial hoping his friends or family would show up to support him but they never did, Just save himself a long prison sentence Jaune decided to take a plea deal losing all hope, The judge ordered him to spend two years in a state facility as the county facility was overcrowded with a possibility of parole as it was his first offense, Jaune with tired dead eyes was taken away from the courtroom and led to a prison bus, His fellow convictus didn't want to get near him that day, and they finally arrived at the prison they were taken away to be put in prison uniforms in chains, Unknown to Jaune a large man with a bald head and a thick long beard was staring at him, Judging by the way he was sitting he was a man of great power in the prison, Prisoner: you looking at the new meat Zach I mean boss, Zach: just thought I saw a ghost for my past find out everything you can on the blonde kid with the dead eyes, Now in his orange jumpsuit Jaune Arc had only one thought in his head, Infiltrating the banished Knights scrap yard. That's just too many. Seating Area #6: Future . Teams RWBY and JNPR end up stealing some teleportation technology from Braniac's ship, and accidentally teleport to the Earth of the DC universe. Salem has won. He was going to go to Beacon and prove a male had his worth! "Whatdaya mean Rubes can petrify Grimm? "Look, he brought his pet mouse with him too.". As for your question yes you are dead but I brought you here so that I could give you an offer." Watch Jaune Arc show what a good friend he is to the girls of Team RWBY. He was definitely not going to get a job now. Jaune was royally screwed from the get go. Civilizations are bigger and better than Humanity. Privacy Policy. A spin off of the 'Jaune Arc Multiverse.' Team RWBY and NPR, as well with some others, are brought to the temple of the scribes. Now, with the knowledge of the future, with an arsenal of Semblances, he will make ensure that he won't fail this time around. However, a careless mistake forces her to confront those feelings. Jaune stuck his dominant hand out, with a finger chambered by his thumb, and flicked Russell on the forehead. Canon RWBY Volume 3 Vytal Time . Friendship dies and true love cries No Archive Warnings Apply, Major Character Death. Ruby Rose (RWBY) Needs a Hug. . First being a God, but then banished to be mortal by his father for no apparent reason, he has to work his way back up to Godhood, lest he fail and be erased along with everything he holds dear. and our Jaune's sisters feature to varying amounts throughout the various arcs. I swear its good), tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (213), Warhammer 40k (Novels) - Various Authors (2), | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) (2), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Lancaster Arms: Two Dorks and Military Grade Weaponry, So I will be bullshiting alot of blacksmith and weaponsmith shit, Ruby will hurt you if you touch Crescent Rose, Raven Branwen/Summer Rose/Taiyang Xiao Long, Jaune Arc/Blake Belladonna/Yang Xiao Long, Melanie Malachite & Miltiades Malachite & Oscar Pine, Ruby Rose and Yang Xiao Long Are Not Related. Spectrum by Super Saiyan Cyndaquil. The Arc generation, or most specifically, our beloved blonde knight Jaune Arc. Jaune arc wanted to be a huntsmen, yet life had other plans. What once was nothing but a mask, a end to a mean Is now the o After his transcripts are revealed by Winchester, Jaune lost almost his friends except Ruby, Blake, PNR, CVFY, and the Beacon staff. . Posting now because I lost my files to a virus and don't want to lose them again, making this place as a backup. Jaune tries out the new dating app, and is shocked when he is anonymously paired with Ruby. But Jaune wants more than that, so armed with a massive aura and a stamina semblance, the young man goes to Beacon all the same. Gamer fic. This is a rewrite from ffn, since I feel like I can do more with the fic here on ao3, might be moving all of my other fics here instead, who knows. Our story Begin with Jaune who has to be the protagonist of the story Asked the blonde.Arceus: "I can give you a second chance of life in my world but when the time is right you must return to your old world to save it." Jaune's seven sisters are possessed by the swords passed down the Arc family lineage and it is now up to him to save them. This is what happened to RWBY and JNPR, as they accepted a simple night guard job at a Mega Vale Mall [MVM] Which they didnt even know existed. Now he must protect the people as Brave. In a world where boots determine a futa's worth, can he claim them all, or will he be forever left to be some man-slave to a glorious futa woman? Please consider turning it on! despite being primarily being in that of the RWBY-verse, there will be a few . So as a man thats been starved for something that DOESNT include Jaune becoming a: OC/Self-Insert Meat Puppet, Harem Protagonist, Literally God, [Gamer], Betrayed Edgelord, Pornstar, React Channel, Rapist, Universal Punching Bag, Coeurs Dead Horse AU. Life of a huntress is full of dangers. One by one each gal lives it out and develops newfound feelings as well as burning desires to chase the blonde doofus and charm him into marrying them and fulfilling that dream fueled reality they experienced. On a dark and stormy night, Jaune Arc so happened to be waiting at a bus stop, for a ride that would never come. "Girls you need to hurry over here quick I just saw Jaune leaving with his suitcase and he took off in a bullhead to vale." Pyrrha told team RWBY through her scroll as the other end of the call were shocked reactions of the four girls. He had been since the first day she met him. Ruby Rose and Jaune Arc both share a love of weaponry and a dislike of shallow people who don't love guns as much as they do. Now I'm out of prison with some new clothes, a new scroll, a wallet, and a short katana. Salem has won. Jaune's breath ran ragged as he sprinted across the hard-packed forest ground. Meeting a mentor in prison Jaune learns how to survive this cruel world and when he gets out 5. Ruby, and Blake left their team and joined NPR, and the staff were more strict and harsh to. A great story full of twists and turns, and jaune really gets to shine. Weiss may have rejected Jaune ruthlessly, but she he had a very specific reason for doing so. An' she didn't bother to kill the damn thing before she left?! Never before had he seen something like the being that was before him. After ten years of fighting, Jaune Arc, the Last King of Vale, fell before her. Her legs were wrapped tightly around his muscular body, and each thrust drove a high-pitched squeak of pleasure from her lungs. "You know Cardin, as much as I desire to brutally murder you and string up your family by their own entrails." Summer Rose is on a mission, but taking extra care after she was nearly killed on another mission several years back. Eventually, he snapped out of his stupor and asked a question that was bothering him.Jaune: "Lord Arceus, if I may ask why am I here aren't I supposed to be dead?" (Just read the damn thing. Please consider turning it on! War War never changes.". Excuse me but let me slip in this being my first legitimate book. : "Greetings young one." (Part II)Update on 1/21/19: Willow For The Weekend (Part II) (Willow x Jaune)Update on 12/25/19: Willow For The Weekend (Part III)Update on 1/3/20: A Yan-tsun-dere Weekend With Blake! Jaune is born as a [Blacksmith] and have dreamed to be a Hunter. "Then I need your help, I found this pichu injured in the woods." Which Causes Her To Get Pregnant And Which Kills Minase. Links to my other websites can be found in the Notes at the end of the chapters. Years after her sister's conversion bureau plans to preform Genocide on humans and take over earth for an all pony world, Queen Luna has a problem, One problem, Her sister Daybreaker is returning , And no one on this now Meet in the middle Anthro pony world can use the elements. Jaune said as he turned to the sink and started firing. Meeting a mentor in prison Jaune learns how to survive this cruel world and when he gets out 5 #biker A chance meeting at Beacon changes their destiny, the two of them determined to get married after Beacon and found their own weapon shop. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). There was no easy way to put it. Heartbroken, he enters the Emerald forest and sadly, he doesn't make it out alive. The sisters are entranced by the cock as their mother once were, and approach - Voidgolem. salem. Waking up to a Grey Skinned Minion, who welcomes him back to the living, Our Arc is thrown into an odd place. Summer, Glynda, and Cinder are Jaune's aunts in this one, making Jaune the cousin of Ruby Rose (on Summer's side . Jaune Arc always wanted to be a hero. A powerful fighter from Pharos Academy who's stayed out of the spotlight despite possessing strength and skill that rivals Pyrrha Nikos. Pharos Academy who 's stayed out of the most powerful hunters that Beacon Academy has ever produced though... Living, our beloved blonde knight Jaune Arc always dreamt of being huntsman! Make matters worse, his mother threw him off the fourth-story window of their house cluttered with and. Tip: lex m/m ( mature or explicit ) the RWBY-verse, there will be a huntsman, brought..., yep used to attack Jaune bounced off as if it was uneven cluttered! In prison Jaune learns how to survive this cruel world and when he gets out 5 made misstep... 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