I think they have to be extreme in the extreme. In a rage, uh, how? You're telling us all this. Chimps. Now, of course, you could find some nitrogen out in the world. He's bald. But what if something's happened to the man. And you like her. Some people describe it as a cloud, and then others describe it as this kind of 15 foot wall kind of hugging the land, and it's just sort of approaching. The authoritative record of New York Public Radios programming is the audio record. "Well why can't you deal with it in a normal way?". But even with all that gore and horribleness, there was often a moment that people waited for. That's it? Radiolab is supported in part by the National Science Foundation and the Alfred P Sloan Foundation. It makes up four out of every five or so molecules that we breathe, so it's very-. Radiolab is a radio program produced by WNYC, a public radio station in New York City, and broadcast on public radio stations in the United States. Uh, Haber it's unknown what happened for the rest of that evening, but it is a well-documented fact that the very next morning. 35.3M . He figures out a way to take a lot of air that's filled with these little nitrogen bonds clinging to each other, and pump it with big iron tank. So, around the turn of the century for German scientists like Haber, this was the challenge. Yeah. He just kind of went crazy. The experiment requires that we continue. Time's up. I think they have to be extreme in the extreme. Cruelty, violence, badness in this episode we begin with a chilling statistic: 91% of men, and 84% of women, have fantasized about killing someone. You mean they're looking at 20 million people hungry? And that's what Shakespeare did in all of his plays. Thousands of people have done it before you. You're cut down before then. The first victims of the Green River killer were found in the summer of 1982. We have kids in the- in the room. So, let me just get that ov- I mean-, So, again, the baseline study is the one where 65% of the volunteers-. Is that like a- like a green cloud? Uh, generates electric shocks. Right? Up until that point, Gary refused to say that "From the minute I picked these women up I wanted to kill them." "Willing to help and a worthwhile experiment.". And I think what we want out of the why is meaning, meaning to life to reveal itself in a way that restores order and give us hope that all of this isn't just meaningless chaos. Iago. People like director Sam Mendez, musicians Jean Batiste, and Wynton Marsalis, Call Your Girlfriends [inaudible 00:27:12], and our very own Alec Baldwin. In 1962, Stanley Milgram shocked the world with his study on obedience. And especially humiliated over the fact that they had to pay enormous war reparations to other countries. You know, he does it without humility, without- without a lot of doubt. And so, we've decided that it's time to go back to something we did once upon a time when we were wondering about good and bad. Like you just did, which happens constantly. So, you ask like, why do people do bad things? And he believed it. With a history of industry leading online lending technology developed in the heart of Detroit, Rocket Mortgage is changing the game. The most common source of nitrogen is in the air around us. I might even tilt towards saying he's a little good to be honest. And actually this wasn't just a German thing, a lot of people were beginning to worry that with about a billion and a half people on the planet, at that point, that maybe we were maxing out, that the earth couldn't support this many people. Stanley Milgram had four scripted prods that he wrote out for his experimenters. The shocker would say, "Hell no I don't.". If any sizable fraction actually acted on their homicidal fantasies, the streets would be running red. But he does it with a kind of amoral athleticism, he does it without humility, without a lot of doubt. Whether it was feeding, or killing, or-, And he does. So, I heard this one from this guy named David-. In a rage how? What does he say? We did a show called The Bad Show. So, the subject seemed willing to shock another human being, but as soon as you say it's an order. Oft have I digged up dead men from their graves and sit them up right at the dear friend's door. Horrified like, "Oh my God, my students are murderers?" So, these are some word pairs. Now we're seeing about 100 million tons of synthetic fertilizer produced industrially each year. It just that-, Yeah. If it doesn't show that people are just obeying orders-, All right, let's go on to our instructions. Obviously no need to be alarmed. And this is necessary in order to advance our noble cause.". With help from Adam Cole, Rachel James, and Matt [Kielty 01:07:25]. You know, he takes over leadership in this institution in Berlin and he starts hobnobbing with a whole different level of society. You wouldn't though, would you really? Alex Haslam, professor of psychology at the University of Exeter. We're close to some really fundamental truths about human nature. I got those all at night, mostly. If this is the singular moment in Shakespeare where he gives you an un-understandably evil man, no motives, no reason; any idea what the hell he was intending? There's a lot of black and white thinking happening right now. Even now. In 1962 Stanley Milgram shocked the world with his study on obedience. And almost like blaming the victims. Fast forward 10 years. And what happens is that your elbowing the nitrogen apart from itself, and then forcing it to bond with the hydrogen in a new way. I would rather have scientists who carry doubt with them as they proceed. Oft have I digged up dead men from their graves and set them upright at their dear friend's door. SciShow Tangents That allows an individual to act inhumanely? This is Radiolab and today talking about? Gary starts going through this narrative of what he did to Carol. And he was someone who had very big ambitions. And-. And my father was recruited to the task force. But you know, we ended up walking this question around to different people. Necrophilia. in what is basically like the Baghdad of his time (laughing). Now, Haber was Jewish, but because he had served in World War I-. James Shapiro, Professor of English at Columbia University. If the experimenter is not a scientist, but is an ordinary man. More information about Sloan at www.sloan.org. No, because if you couldn't afford a ticket for a play, you'd seen all the plays, in the 1500s, you could always go to a public hanging. And the rough statistics are that half of each of our bodies contains nitrogen from the Haber process. Visit our website. Yeah, members of his extended family did; certainly friends of his did. Wore a little, um, uh, pince-nez? Our main story is the haunting tale of a chimp named Lucy. And not just because he was vain, which everyone agrees he was, but because he loves his country. He knew about it. And even though in the end they got him to confess to these 49 murders, they never really get any closer to an answer than this first why. "Just wanted to kill them, I just needed to kill them." I- horrified is- I was- I was pretty stunned. For information about Sloan, at www.sloan.org. And there is no doubt that today's plants and animals carry the genetic legacy of ancestors who fought fiercely to survive and reproduce. New York Public Radio transcripts are created on a rush deadline, often by contractors. Is an absolute order. Well talk about Fritz Haber. This is a 20 year old female. I knew she had a daughter and-. In those days if you're a convicted male felon, you are, you know, strung up by- You're not allowed to hang till you die. This was a moment when human cruelty was on trial, quite literally. But in a famous incident, one of England's leading scientists refuses to shake his hand. It's called Too Much Information. ", Only 10 percent, under those circumstances, go on. On the other hand, if anyone could do it-. This story made us wonder, "Is David's friend-". And, uh, I heard about him from science writer Sam Keen. Was he trying to make a commentary or something? They brought in psychiatrists and forensic psychologists to try to get an answer. Yes. And he says, "That's what people wanted. If this is the singular moment in Shakespeare where he gives you un-understandably evil man. Some- some people described it as a cloud, and then, others described it as this kind of 15 foot wall kind of hugging the land. There's a pause and my father just says. He would deny things. He had snapped. She was actually a sort of a genius herself. And did you go back to the party then and continue dinner partying for a while? And 91 percent of the men said, "Yes." The show is nationally syndicated and is available as a podcast. And so, I ex- expanded the sample where we asked about 5000 people. So, in the end where do you come down? He signs up immediately, sends a letter volunteering for duty-, Saying, "You know the process that I used to make food? And what he decided to do is go into the ocean, into sea water, which contains very small levels of gold. RadioLab is supported, in part, by the National Science Foundation, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. Visit our website terms of use at www.wnyc.org for further information. And to make the problem even more annoying. So you ask like, "Why do people do bad things?". And the way I killed her, I cared for her because I dated her for [inaudible 01:01:43]. We, as- as onlookers to this study, we have this kind of god-like, uh, sort of vision of, like, well of course what they're doing is wrong. Although, clearly, on some level they know it isn't. Because it takes such energy and pressure to separate it This trivalent bond is so strong that when it comes back together, that energy that's released, it could be used for life or death. Visit our website. He said, "Look, this is what you're going to do is of course you don't want to do this. The expectation is somebody is made to make his peace with his maker before he dies. with Lulu Miller, and Latif Nasser. An experiment is being conducted in the elegant interaction laboratory at Yale University. I think I call it pince-nez, so I'm not sure. Because you are sullied by them. Well, you know, you can see that's a good thing. His calculations showed that it couldn't be done. The fact that he kept on doing it over and over and over again was like, "Come on.". Go. Obviously no need to be alarmed, that was not a real shot. But when he gets there, he has to contend with his wife. Listen Infective Heredity. Quite literally. That's historian, Fritz Stern, who also happens to be Fritz Haber's godson. This is Jeff Jensen and he's a reporter in LA. I'm good. Does he- is he saying what I think he's saying? That the earth couldn't support this many people. (beep) God. He goes straight to the German [inaudible 00:36:56] and- and he pitches this idea. No. We'll be right back to Haber, but wait- wait. This is Radiolab and today we're going to get bad. no one has ever said about a sex tape that I've ever you know. Because the thing that you put into the ground to grow more food is also the thing you can explode to make a bomb? Radiolab is supported by Audible. "Do you think that more studies of this sort should be carried out?" My students are murderers.". He believes in me and he trusts me and so much. Radiolab is supported by Audible. My name's Benjamin Walker and here are some RadioLab credits. With higher and higher voltage. And today evil, although, I don't know if that's the right word for this next thing. What you know, you know.". Everybody was desperate for sources, new sources of nitrogen. In the other room, there was a guy who he called the learner who is supposed to have memorized some words. Right now get $50 towards select mattresses by visiting casper.com/radiolab and using Code Radiolab at checkout. Okay. But this is why this is such an interesting guy, around the same time, officials in the U.S. government are calling him a war criminal. "The experiment requires that you continue.". Look, the participants, it's not just blind obedience, "Oh you tell me so, yes sir, no sir, three bags full, sir.". She was one of the first women to earn a PhD in her country. They spent the next six months interrogating him, they brought in psychiatrists, and forensic psychologists to try to get an answer. I'm going to resign.". Today's date Is June 17, 2003. And on June 13, 2003, Gary was secretly taken out of his jail cell, and brought to a sort of very nondescript, concrete, ugly office building. Jeff Jensen's book is the Green River Killer: A True Detective Story. He could have never imagined that. ", Meanwhile, later that night on the other side of town-. And in January of 1984, the Green River Task Force was formed, and my father was recruited to the task force. And he believed it. It's 0924 hours on June 17th, year 2003. Pince-nez, okay. It's absolutely essential. Uh, so what happened to David that night with his friend got him really curious about murder and badness and all these things we're thinking about. And he did too. He says, "Well, we can drive those enemy soldiers out of trenches with gas.". And also thank you to Alex Haslem, Professor of Psychology at the University of Exeter. Um, with a black belt in karate. It has enough, what they used to call then solar energy. Meaning to life to reveal itself in a way that restores order and gives us hope that all of this isn't just meaningless chaos. Yes, I did mean to kill. 65%-, to shock their fellow citizens over and over again-. Yeah, well. (laughs). [inaudible 00:06:31], Well not horrified, it was I pretty stunned. What follows is this ongoing conversation between Job and his friends about why does this happen? This you and this two other participants. This next part's a little graphic. And my father wasn't buying it. And, uh, so does Clara. All right, so I'm going to talk to you over this intercom, okay? Leaving a son, a- a- alone with his dead mother. In any case-. They were gagging, they were choking; hundreds of them were falling to the ground like-. But he organizes soldiers, he organizes whole gas units. Um, I got a little, uh, I- my- this is my dorsal hair stood up when I read the end of this. And I devoted one class session to the topic of homicide and why people kill. And, "Because women have stepped on me all my life." So, you don't know. In front of this really impressive looking machine. "I need to kill because of that." He figures out a way to take a lot of air that's filled with these little nitrogen bonds clinging to each other and pump it to a big iron tank. Especially because she found out he was leaving the next day to direct more gas attacks. This is basically what Stanley Milgram set out to test. Terms and conditions apply. And what he means is that when nitrogen atoms are just free floating in the air, they will cling to each other. In December of 2001, my father and his colleagues, uh, made the arrest. Which is a- a fairly small, you know, a small sort of town. God. Robert, I'm going to give you this piece of paper here. And this is the difference between Kaiser Wilhelm and of course Hitler's Germany. So, you see, it's just in that one experiment that 65% of people are willing to go all the way. This is RadioLab. Have you ever thought about killing someone? With my arm. That's correct. Two more minutes. I really want to do a good job.". Because it's like we started with this experiment that we all see as evidence of humans' latent capacity for evil. All right. You wouldn't though. When you needed to stop for breath, your hand ran light and steady. One of the reasons it grows is because it's sucking up all the nitrogen in the soil. Humans. The prods. So you don't know? And that was a question that had haunted my father for decades. And even though, in the end, they got him to confess to these 49 murders, they never really get any closer to an answer than this first one. You know [crosstalk 00:10:58]. Under some circumstances we don't do the bad thing we're told to do because" here's another flip "We don't have to be told. You know, on the other hand, I mean, if you look at the grand calculus, people he's he-helped or fed versus people he's killed, I mean, he's got fed billions of people, I don't know that you could entirely call him bad. So in the Milgram case. However, that leaves behind 20 million Germans. Uh, when- when asked how close she came to killing him, she estimated 60%. The- the last time she- she was in a hurry. I'm Jad Abumrad. Accuracy and availability may vary. Become A Member. Well, if you dressed it up, and if you had some minor vairance in the paradigm, you could presumable, you know, make- make this up. On the other hand, if anyone can do it-. You need to admit this. I don't think I've ever had a fantasy that- that anatomically specific where I would see the part of the other person that I was going to stab or plan it like that. With all of the black-and-white moralizing in our world today, we decided to bring back an old show about the little bit of bad that's in all of us.and the little bit of really, _really _bad that's in some of us. You're going to keep giving him what, 450 volts every shot now? They wanted someone who was really thrillingly bad, but in the end, was, uh, redeemed a bit. But every time the experimenter pulled out the fourth prod And this was confirmed when the experiment was redone in 2006; total disobedience. We'll be right back. But if you put two experimenters in the room, and-. We take a look at one particular fantasy lurking behind these numbers, and wonder what this shadow world might tell us about ourselves and our neighbors. And she said, "My ex boyfriend. Test the outer edges of what you think you know, Copyright 2019 New York Public Radio. And Haber has an idea. Radiolab - Transcripts Subscribe 187 episodes Radiolab is on a curiosity bender. Well the thing that haunts me about the why question is that I'm reminded of one of the oldest stories in the Bible, which is the story of Job. Well, Sam, what happened to this guy after World War I? And so in 1918, Fritz Haber gets the Nobel Prize. And did you go back to the party then and continued dinner partying for a while? James Shapiro, professor of English at Columbia University. Well, have you ever been blackmailed the way this woman was being blackmailed? I mean, that's a pretty heady thing for, you know, a Jewish kid from Breslau to be hobnobbing with the Emperor and cabinet ministers. In fact, his chemist had given this particular pesticide a smell. And actually two nations in South America went to war. Do you think that more studies of this sort should be carried out?" He actually was very humiliated that Germany had lost, and especially humiliated over the fact that they had to pay enormous war reparations to other countries. Nobody had done what she was about to do on the scale that he was about to do it. Haber finds himself in a little town in Belgium called-. They continued shocking their corpses. Go on please. Yes. The Bad Show Listen Transcript Image credits: Adam Cole Cruelty, violence, badness. Or does everybody at some point have something dark in them? Is an absolute order. I'm going to take a break. in this episode we begin with a chilling statistic: 91% of men, and 84% of women, have fantasized about killing someone. We should say that this next section of the program has some references which are extremely graphic and not to everybody's tastes. He is- he wants to feed- he wants to feed Germany. And so, 1918 Fritz Haber gets a Nobel Prize, but this is why he's such an interesting guy. After all, he knows what he can stand. Shoots herself in the chest, and is found by her son. He has a pot belly. September 15, 2022 Radiolab for Kids and WNYC Studios present Terrestrials, a six-episode miniseries hosted by Lulu Miller (co-host of Radiolab . Just trying to imagine that. So there's a way in which there's a touch of spark of humanity. You know, "I- I- I Harley, you know, regret the fact that I killed a young maiden or defamed the king" or whatever it is. So, how do you feel about him now? Is that how you say that? Why did you take these women off the streets and wanted to destroy them? In fact, we hate being told, but we will do it on our own if we think it's good. Okay. Yeah (laughs). He walked out of the room, and just started weeping. Bread from the air was the phrase 'cause Haber had figured out a way to take nitrogen from the air, put it into the barren ground, and grow wheat. Anytime the experimenter said, "You must continue." It is still trotted out to explain everything from hazing to war crimes. Well, all right. Hmm. And the, uh, really, really bad that is in, uh, some of us. I knew what he was capable of, so I suggested that we go out for a walk. He brings her up as an example of a- of a woman that he actually had strong feelings for. Transcript. And "Because women have stepped on me all my life." You know what? At high temperature. And you got to ask is the world better with him or without him? The general's name is Othello. It's a pretty big thing to miss (laughs) isn't it? And to this day they have not talked about that day. Many of them after they were murdered. Sep 21, 2018 . We're all great apes. I mean it's a pretty heady thing for a Jewish kid from Breslau to be hobnobbing with the Emperor, and cabinet ministers, he's part of the club; and he really, really relished it. This day they have to be extreme in the chest, and is by! With gas. `` that is in, uh, when- when asked how she. Nitrogen out in the summer of 1982 in 2006 ; total disobedience Shapiro, professor of English at University! 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