Fearing no one, he would take great pleasure in conducting his guests on a tour of his prized "museum of mummies". Ferdinando I re di Napoli: Directed by Gianni Franciolini. A title more than anything else honorific, for the one who more than any other will prove to be a good ally of the king of Naples. The king went down to the underground church of that famous sanctuary; he found a great deal of silver and gold, not only what had been donated for the great devotion to the sanctuary; but also what had been brought by priests from the nearby lands. Ottini L, Falchetti M, Marinozzi S, Angeletti LR, Fornaciari G (2010) Gene-environment interactions in the pre-Industrial Era: the cancer of King Ferrante I of Aragon (1431-1494). He was the son and successor of Alphonso II, and heir of the Brienne claim to kingdom of Jerusalem. Ferdinand II, byname Ferdinand the Catholic, Spanish Fernando el Catlico, (born March 10, 1452, Sos, Aragon [Spain]died January 23, 1516, Madrigalejo, Spain), king of Aragon and king of Castile (as Ferdinand V) from 1479, joint sovereign with Queen Isabella I. Contrary to the total demolition suffered by the latter starting from the mid- eighteenth century, the eastern walls resisted substantially intact until the post-unitary period and then underwent a partial demolition during the rehabilitation works. King Ferrante, who up to 1493 with his prudence had maintained the peace both in the Kingdom and in Italy, knowing that France was preparing for war, began to reinforce the kingdom and to recruit armies to resist such a powerful enemy; but due to a great phlegm and then fever, on the fourteenth day of his infirmity, he died on January 25, 1494 overwhelmed more by the sorrows of the soul than by age. The De Dominicihe says that the pillars were placed by him, the ceiling was renovated and the ornaments of the chapel were completed, but in the biography of the del Donzello, contained in his work, he also attributes to them the direction of some works. Finding it closed, according to the rite he then called the castellan Arnaldo Sanz, and said to him: "Open", and he replied: "Are you King Don Ferrante thirsty, son of the happy memory of King Don Alfonso?" [12][45], The praise for the victorious king was equal to the insane terror that had shocked Europe at the news of the Muslim landing in Apulia and Ferrante was hailed as the savior of Italy and Europe.[33]. After trials and other solemnities, they were condemned to the deprivation of all honors Titles, Dignity, Offices, Cavalry, Feuds, nobility and were condemned to be beheaded. [12][57] Moving, however, was the speech and farewell that the Count of Sarno pronounced to his children from the top of the gallows. Third marriage with Urraca Lpez de Haro Ferrante, recognizing the virtues of this Pontiff, wanted to pay homage to him by giving the Duchy of Sora (which he had taken from Giovanni Paolo Cantelmo) to Leonardo della Rovere, with whom he then married one of his daughters. He became King of Naples on his father's death in 1458, and he faced a long revolt by the barons in 1459. Ordo. [12][30], On November 16, the death of Giovanni Antonio Orsini Del Balzo, Prince of Taranto, deprived the Angevin front of its most influential boss and financier. Isabella was also the niece of Queen Mary of Enghien who, having married Ladislaus I of Anjou, had therefore been queen of Naples, Sicily and the Kingdom of Jerusalem from 1406 to 1414. Although the Kingdom of Naples was ruled by Ferrante, locally the effective power was the prerogative of the noble families according to what was the feudal system. Neapolitan painting of the early seventeenth century is characterized by dramatic expression, emphatic naturalism, and intense chiaroscuro derived from the profound influence of Caravaggio (1571-1610), who spent a number of his later years in the port city. At this time the plague began to spread in the camp of the army of the Duke of Calabria at Tumulo (a place conforming to the name for malaria), for which the Duke of Urbino and many other captains fell ill; therefore it was necessary for the Duke of Calabria to change camp and lead the army to Pitigliano. However, they had great difficulty in settling another plague, because Queen Maria, who was the wife of King Alfonso V, died in Catalonia and left her dowries, amounting to four hundred thousand ducats, to the heir John II. Ferdinand II (Italian language: Ferdinando/Ferrante 26 August 1469 - 7 September 1496) was King of Naples from 1495 to 1496. [62], Like his father, Ferrante was also a man of great faith: attached to religious ceremonial, he professed the same devotion to the cult of the Virgin, washed the feet of the poor on Holy Thursday and attended the mass on his knees.[62]. valiantly from the impulses of enemies. Recognized as one of the most powerful political minds of the time,[10] Ferrante was gifted with great courage and remarkable political skills. [12][65], This sovereign was adorned with many letters and well versed in law, and he considered this science more necessary than any other for the rulers of peoples. The successor, Pope Paul II, recognizing that his predecessor had neglected the collection of the income due to the papacy, began to urge Ferrante to pay all the taxes he owed to the Holy See, which had not been paid for several years. The Duke of Calabria, before entering the war against the Papal State, declared that he was going not to offend the Holy See, but only to defend himself and free the kingdom from the snares of the rebels and declared that he was and always would be an obedient son of the Pontiff and of the Apostolic See. [25][55], After this episode, on 10 February the king imprisoned the Prince of Altamura, the Prince of Bisignano, the Duke of Melfi, the Duke of Nard, the Count of Morcone, the Count of Lauria, the Count of Mileto, the Count of Noja, the Duke of Sessa and many other Knights. The Duke John arrived in Provence was called by the Catalans, who had rebelled against King John II of Aragon, event for which Ferrante very rejoiced, as if the Duke John, his father Ren and the King of Aragon were engaged in waging war with each other would not have constituted a danger to Naples. In 1482 the Venetians and the Pope allied themselves against the Duke of Ferrara, son-in-law of King Ferrante, because he did not observe the agreements established between them in earlier times. Francesco (December 16, 1461 - October 26, 1486), Duke of Sant'Angelo and Marquis of Bisceglie. The young Alfonso, enthusiastic about the success of the enterprise, after having fired the Hungarian soldiers finally returned to Naples, where he was acclaimed by the people and where he found the help that had come from Portugal and Spain, which he sent back. From his first wife Isabella of Clermont he had six children: From his second wife Joanna of Aragon he had a daughter: From Marchesella Spitzata, sister of his chaplain and his equerry:[85], Controversial is the situation relating to the children of Giovannella Caracciolo, the most beautiful of the daughters of Count Giacomo di Brienza, whom Ferrante obtained by force in 1472 through agreements with his father, but without the consent of either the mother or the person directly concerned. In order not to get involved in new disputes, he decided to give the county di Celano to Antonio Piccolomini, nephew of the Pope and his son-in-law with the condition that he recognize the king as supreme lord. Maria Cecilia, wife of Gian Giordano Orsini, Lord of Bracciano; Lucrezia (according to other sources daughter of Diana Guardato. The Duke of Melfi, the Count of Avellino, the Count of Buccino, the Lord of Torremaggiore and the Lord of Santobuono all passed into the pay of john. [12][67] Alphonso, finding his tenure of the throne uncertain on account of the approaching invasion of Charles VIII of France and the general dissatisfaction of his subjects . In 1475, Pope Sixtus in a Bull exempted Ferrante from having pay the census, but for the investiture to send him a well-trimmed white horse every year; thus the use of the chinea was introduced to Saint Peter. In the kingdom the Jews protected by King Ferrante carried out a notable artisanal and commercial activity. Ferrante did not refuse it and sent Antonello Petruccio, his secretary, with Cardinal Roverella, the Pope's legate to negotiate the conditions of the armistice with the Prince's ambassadors. [25][58] In this time almost the whole kingdom had a great shortage of food and everywhere people could be seen dying of hunger, but the providence of the King purely took notice, using every means to make the condition of his peoples less sad. During the factory, many alms and a conspicuous donation from the King were received. On the way an accident happened to one of the wheels of the carriage, which caused them to stop at . But it was instead Ferrante's ambition that decreed the end of the alliance, when in 1473 he demanded the possession of the island of Cyprus, protectorate of the Serenissima, proposing in complete secrecy to marry his son Alfonso with a daughter of King James. As a father he was very present and very fond of his offspring, especially known is the strong affection shown for his daughters and for the eldest Eleonora. The Barons, unable otherwise, accepted the agreement, which on 12 August 1486, with the participation of the Archbishop of Milan, the Count of Tendiglia, Ambassadors of the King of Spain and Sicily, he was accepted in the name of King Ferrante by Giovanni Pontano, famous scholar of those times. The heir to the throne Alfonso, commander of the Neapolitan army, was sent to war in Tuscany, where he managed to be proclaimed lord of Siena. of the novel " Of the forbidden amor - Neapolitan history of the fifteenth century " by Dino Falconio (2014), inspired by the alleged incestuous relationship that Ferrante would have entertained with his sister Eleonora. He kept them in a private black museum, dressed in the clothes that they had worn in life. The Castellano then asked the barons if the new king was Don Alfonso's son and they all said yes. His mother was Gueraldona Carlino. [12][36], Ferrante, therefore, placed himself in a placid calm, marked the same footsteps of King Alfonso his Father and did not neglect in these years of happiness and peace to reorganize the kingdom and enrich it with new arts and provide it with provided laws and institutes, also making at his court men of letters and illustrious in all sorts of sciences and above all professors of civil and canonical law. They were traveling in disguise, so that no one knew them, and were in great haste, being on business of great importance. ( 1516); marriage on 5. Ferdinand II of Naples (26 August 1469-7 September 1496) was King of Naples from 23 January 1495 to 7 September 1496, succeeding Alfonso II of Naples and preceding Frederick of Naples. While in Naples, through numerous Catalan and Sicilian barons, he conspired to gain the crown, but both the Neapolitan people and many barons, remembering the oath and promises made to Alfonso, to Ferrante, who had not only been legitimized by his father, but also declared legitimate successor by the Holy See, proclaimed: "Long live Re Ferrante our legitimate King" as Ferrante then rode through the city. Active and hardworking, he was respectful of the customs of the nation. Meanwhile, Pope Sixtus upon the requisition of King Ferrante excommunicated and banned the Venetians for disturbing the peace of Italy. Wanting the Pope to allay the discords between the potentates of Italy, he wrote to the Venetians that he had to return everything they had occupied to the Duke of Ferrara, but they refused to do so and despite the Pope having abandoned them, they stubbornly pursued the war, and for more astonished King Ferrante, they called in Italy the Duke of Lorraine, pretender to the throne of Naples by virtue of his ties with the Angevins, hoping that the duke would meet that of Milan who was camped in the countryside of Rome to convince him to ally with the Venetians; but their plan failed because while that war lasted, it was administered by the duke with so much virtue and fortune, that if Ludovico Duke of Milan did not disband from the league, he would have taken away all the mainland from the Venetians. The buffoons were very welcome to him, and he gave them many thanks on a few occasions. The prince of Salerno then went with Roberto Orsini to conquer it. The fate of the war turned in Ferrante's favor on 18 August 1462 in Puglia with the battle of Troia, where King Ferrante and Alessandro Sforza inflicted a definitive defeat on their adversaries. Ferrante's funeral, which was celebrated by order of Alfonso, was solemn and neither the barons nor the primates of the city were second in giving him the extreme offices. After having them murdered, he had their bodies mummified. The country was ruled by the regent . Ferdinando Trastmara d'Aragona, of the Naples branch, universally known as Ferrante and also called by his contemporaries Don Ferrando and Don Ferrante[1] (2 June 1424, in Valencia 25 January 1494, in Naples), was the only son, illegitimate, of Alfonso I of Naples. Ferrante responded by contrasting the coalition with the State of the Church, stipulated in January 1475 and on the occasion of the Jubilee of that year, Ferrante went to Rome together with some barons of the Kingdom and the trip constituted an opportunity to further strengthen, through the alliance, the links between the Papal State and the Neapolitan kingdom. Once the undertaking was over, the Pope renewed his request for censuses obtained with greater diligence than before. A theological-dogmatic pamphlet is attributed to him: This page was last edited on 5 February 2023, at 00:56. [62] On the door appear in six pictures expressed in bas - relief some events of the conspiracy: in the first of them, from the left side of the beholder, the apparent peace of the Duke of Sessa is scrolled, with the verses that say: "PRINCEPS CVM IACOBO CVM DIOFEBO QVEM DOLOSE / VT REGEM PERMANT COLLOQVIVM SIMVLANT". The leaders and authors of this conspiracy were Francesco Coppola, Count of Sarno and Antonello Petrucci secretary of the King. The cardinal blessed the new sovereign with a pontifical blessing and proclaimed him King of Naples. Answer: Alfonso is the son of King Ferrante of Naples. [13], The Cardinal Roverella, Apostolic Legate, who was in Benevento, he managed to bring the side of Ferrante Orso Orsini and after this episode even the Marquis of Cotrone and the Count of Nicastro reconciled with the king. [70] The little Maria Balsa, daughter of the despot of Serbia or more probably of the lord of Misia, had also found refuge at his court, who together with her aunt Andronica Cominata fled from Greece invaded by the Turks. Completely Italianized, he surrounded himself with numerous artists and humanists, completed the paternal building works in the city of Naples and erected new impressive buildings that still adorn it today. The King then demanded from the Pope to release the censuses for the expenses he had recently made to help him and also demanded for the future that the prior papal income from his kingdom, eight thousand oncie a year, should be reduced. The king is represented from the front, on horseback, discussing with his brother-in-law Marino Marzano, duke of Sessa and prince of Rossano, Giacomo Montagano and Deifobo dell'Anguillara, The king, from behind, realizing the real intentions of the three, draws his sword and bravely confronts them, while on the left we can see two knights running to his aid (perhaps Count Giovanni Ventimiglia and Gregorio Coreglia), In the center of the panel there is a melee between knights and infantrymen of the two enemy armies, while from below a column of Aragonese knights and infantry winds, with in the foreground probably Alfonso, Duke of Calabria, climbing a mountain in direction of Troy. He then went to Siena and Florence, where he was received on April 17 by Lorenzo the Magnificent. In the upper part you can see the fortified city of Accadia on a steep mountain, with a tower now damaged by artillery shells and a conspicuous breach in the walls, crossed by a numerous column of Aragonese infantry and knights. The Pope on the other hand emphasized the help that Ferrante had received from his predecessor. With Peppino De Filippo, Titina De Filippo, Vittorio De Sica, Aldo Fabrizi. Hum. Not having wanted to obey, the Archbishop of Salerno and the Bishops of Miletus and Teano, who were in Rome, were deprived of their income. Ferdinand II ( Italian: Ferdinando/Ferrante; 26 August 1469 - 7 September 1496) was King of Naples from 1495 to 1496. Ferdinand II, (born June 26, 1467, Naples [Italy]died Oct. 5, 1496, Naples), prince of Capua, duke of Calabria, and king of Naples (1495-96), who recovered his kingdom from French occupation. He left Naples on 18 March 1465 with 320 riders and learned while en route on March 30 about the death of his mother. He was the son of Alfonso V of Aragon and his mistress, Giraldona Carlino. King John claimed that the money should be taken from the treasury that Alfonso had left to the kingdom of Naples and the ambassadors agreed to give it to him in ten years. By order of Ferrante, as a lasting warning, the splendid bronze door of the Castel Nuovo, called La Vittoriosa, was cast in bronze, through the artillery removed by the enemies, with the representation of the king's triumph in the conspiracy of the barons, the work of Guglielmo Dello Monaco, a Parisian who had served Alfonso as a manufacturer of cannons, clocks and bells. The Pope to thwart the danger from which he had threatened the Italy tried to unite the Italian governments in his will to make them act against the invasion of the Turks and absolved the Florentines from excommunication, forgiving them for all the injuries done to the Church; and Ferrante in exchange for 10,000 ducats returned to them all the lands he had conquered during the conflict against Florence (Colle Val d'Elsa, Poggibonsi, Monte San Savino, Poggio Imperiale and other fortified places in the Chianti and Valdelsa).[38]. He claimed that payment was excessive even for the Kingdom encompassing both Naples and Sicily, and that since Sicily was ruled by his uncle, King John of Aragon, Ferrante and Naples should not pay the entire amount. [42] The saint insistently requested and also obtained that the body of Saint Januarius be transferred to Naples, at which ceremony with great pomp celebrated by Cardinal Oliviero Carafa, he too wanted to attend.[13]. [34], But the equilibrium achieved with great effort soon proved to be very precarious. His mother, Gueraldona Carlino,[11] was probably a woman of Neapolitan origin who in December 1423 had accompanied Alfonso on his return to Spain, where she later married a certain Gaspar Reverdit of Barcelona. The meeting between Don Ferrante and Saint Francesco of Paola, Government after twenty years of prosperity, Second conspiracy of the barons (1485-1486), ferrante_of_naples_the_statecraft_of_a_renaissance_prince.

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