Tied to an X-shaped cross after being scourged, he made the cross his pulpit and preached to the people for two days before he died. You know where Christ was told His mother and brothers were outside for Him. Hell? You know what,weather Judas went to heaven or not, i dont think we should bother ourselves with that.What is most important is that if Jesus was not betrayed,nobody would be saved.We just can not understand Gods way of doing things.The least we can do is thank God for Judas life at that time because He(GOD) knew about him(Judas).. In fact, here is what I believe the historical record reveals: Highest possible probability (9-10): Peter, Paul, James son of Zebedee, James brother of Jesus. not at all judas iscariot commited a suicide so he didnt get green fire to enter into the heaven.because it is written that it would rather be good to this man not to live. Now lets look at the second question. Jesus Youth Tech-missionary initiative. John was part of Jesus inner circle and, along with Peter and James. No way of being certain that these brothers of Jesus were actually blood brothers. 2008 18 Mar. Since God is the creator of the universe, how do you know his name isnt spoken anywhere else (by what you write you seem to mean other planets). In Acts 1:14, His brothers and mother are described as praying with the disciples. Victor no offense but you are teaching a false doctrine. According to the early writers, he died at or about the same time with Paul, and in the Neronian persecution, A.D. 67,68. A non-profit, 501(c)3 corporation. AT THE SERVICE OF THE CHURCH. Thus says the LORD, Let not a wise man boast of his wisdom, and let not the mighty man boast of his might, let not a rich man boast of his riches; but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me . Thomas: The earlier traditions, as believed in the fourth century, say he preached in Parthia or Persia and was finally buried at Edessa. Diane, The Bible teaches that the Father is God, that Jesus is God, and that the Holy Spirit is God. John the apostle was still alive years after the deaths of both John the Baptist and Jesus. Following Christ's ascension, eleven of them (Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus and killed himself and was replaced by Mattias) followed the Great Commission and became the primary . He did not give his life to God who was very willing to forgive. The only one of the apostles generally thought to have died a natural death from old age. Ive come on the authority of the one who sent me! I am hoping however, that someone may have more data on the death of the Saints. So adoption would not work in this context. Thaddaeus was also called Lebbaeus and was known as Judas, the son of James. The Holy Spirit must be lifted up and brought forward, not Mary. Judas was a man loved by God. There isnt anything material/physical in Heaven; earth/material is the opposite of Heaven/ethereal/spiritual. He was the first martyr from among the twelve apostles. Sounds very ominous for Judas. But a man cant ask for forgiveness and go on and commit a crime, when you come into the understanding of what you did was wrong, then you ask for forgiveness and dont commit the sin again. Judas did not repent 2 Cor 7:10 Simon the Canaanite was crucified at Caister Lincs UK! But he did not live with Him on daily basis.. his role was different than the 12 Apostles. Left without his protector, John XIV was arrested, beaten and imprisoned in Castel Sant'Angelo under the orders of antipope Boniface VII. Take Jesuss baptism. Jesus in fact had brothers and sisters out of the same womb who birth him. Did Judas go to Hell? - A A +. Do not worry about what you will say because at that moment, the Holy Spirit will teach you what to say John 17: 16-26 these verses tells of Jesus praying to God the Father for his Apostles and definitely mentioned that Judas Iscariot was singled out as lost. The views, thoughts, opinions presented here belong solely to the author and are not necessarily the official view of the Jesus youth movement. Another relevant fact is that John lived until at least AD96 when Revelation was written, which is 66 years after Jesus died. After His resurrection and ascension, Jesus sent the disciples out to be His witnesses (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8). children. Human in every way we are human. He died a martyr's death in Rome during the reign of Nero. Summary: The Bible only mentions the deaths of two apostles, James who was put to death by Herod Agrippa I in 44 AD and Judas Iscariot who committed suicide shortly after the death of Christ. The apostles are grouped by fours. At this point all the remaining peoples who were later scattered, are called Jews. That makes Paul a full blooded Jew. To harmonized the accounts in Matthew and Acts, some theorize that Judas indeed did hang himself, but none would defile themselves during holy days, by either touching a dead corpse (thus becoming ritually unclean and being unable to participate in the Jewish rites), or by doing the work (illegal on Jewish Holy and Sabbath days) of removing the body. After the death of the apostles, we do not find as significant missionary figures of the stature of Paul. Galatians 1:19 mentions that James was Jesus brother. These ways were not always understood or accepted by the people of his time, but over the centuries society has gradually come to understand what Jesus always knew and intended: the co-equal and unique dignity of man and woman. This is not because of any lesser dignity or worthiness of women, nor is it because women are incapable (if anyone was worthy of such an honor, it was definitely the Virgin Mary!). Judas Iscariot In Heaven or in Hell? The table below provides the best information that we have on the deaths of the apostles. You said We were made on Earth true, (Im assuming you are talking about the planet earth being you said made on earth instead of saying made of earth. They were companions and had probably known each other for years. . They were close companions and possibly studied the Old Testament together. According to the Bible he hanged himself, ( Matthew 27:5) at Aceldama, on the southern slope of the valley of Hinnom, near Jerusalem, and in the act he fell down a precipice and was dashed into pieces. Nathanael. The bible does not even suggest Mary and Joseph were not intimate. And they prayed and said, You, Lord, who know the hearts of all, show which one of these two you have chosen to take the place in this ministry and apostleship from which Judas turned aside to go to his own place. And they cast lots for them, and the lot fell on Matthias, and he was numbered with the eleven apostles. Jesus teaches us that there is a prison where we have to pay to get out. thru to the end of the chapter and verify this.. John wrote Revelation. Another is that he was beheaded. Regardless of whether the prophecy was about Matthias, he was apparently stoned and then beheaded late in the 1st century. The scriptures you are quoting refer to the death of John the Baptist who was killed just as Jesus began his ministry. Was also written by this John, the same oneJesus and scripture called beloved. You not factual. For this is life eternal, that they might know thee Not his supposed ideal of helping Jesus out in some rash way. That defies the purpose of us getting too know Him. Of real importance is that the concept represented by the word Trinity does exist in Scripture. These men gave their lives and died so that all could hear the good news that the forgiveness of sins is free to anyone who believes in Jesus Christ and accepts Him as Lord and Savior. Erastus Snow. Matthew. Origen says that Peter felt himself to be unworthy to be put to death in the same manner as his Master, and was therefore, at his own request, crucified with his head downward. Paris - Bibl. Mary had a husband named Joseph. Ancient tradition says that Thomas died near Madras, India in A.D. 70. He felt bad and tried to undo what he had done but did not go to God and repent and receive forgiveness but took his life into his own hands. According to the Bible he hanged himself, (Matthew 27:5) at Aceldama, on the southern slope of the valley of Hinnom, near Jerusalem, and in the act he fell down a precipice and was dashed into pieces. Philip was nailed upside down while Bartholomew . Thanks, I have benefitted immensely. Genesis 3:19 says By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return. God is talking about our earthly body when He says to dust you shall return. http://bibleforums.org/showthread.php/234843-Apostle-John-boiling-in-oil, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tombs_of_the_apostles#Tombs_of_the_apostles, http://www.keyway.ca/htm2005/20051130.htm, https://amazingbibletimeline.com/bible_questions/q6_apostles_die, http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Biblical_Studies/New_Testament_Commentaries/The_Gospel_of_Matthew/Introduction. Enjoy the mystery! Hello. Instead, the idea of Mary as the queen of heaven stems from proclamations of priests and popes of the Roman Catholic Church. These facts are related by Origen in the third volume of his Commentary on Genesis. Can someone help me here, I know that there were prophets that God used to communicate with his people according to the OT, after them there was Jesus my savoir and his disciples. Why would he do that with only the most important thing? Some Apostles were even married (such as St. Peter). They were fisherman and worked alongside James and John. john the Baptist was sent ahead to tell of Jesus coming to all and he himself had disciples, his own disciples that helped him. You read Mark 6:3. Get our Question of the Week delivered right to your inbox! A variety of traditions says he preached in Scythia, in Greece, in Asia Minor and Thrace. Now are we referring to his physical destruction or spiritual distruction? Dont judge me because my sin is different then yours. His martyrdom whether in Persia or India, is said to have been by a lance. It is not for us to know whether Judas is in heaven or hell. That suggests that John was almost certainly a teenager when he joined Jesus. It would have been better for that man if he had not been born. Matt. In retaliation, the proconsul had Philip arrested and cruelly put to death. There is most certainly a King of Heaven, the Lord of hosts. He was acting in selfish motives in all things, and expected to be made a great leader if Jesus became the ruling Messiah. After the great fire of Rome in 64AD, Emporer Nero renown for his eccentricity, if not outright madness was looking . According to the list occurring in each of the Synoptic Gospels (Mark 3:13-19, Matthew 10:1-4, Luke 6:12-16), the Twelve chosen by Jesus near the beginning of his ministry, those whom also He named Apostles, were . Your email address will not be published. Jesus has no mother or father on earth. The first group of four apostles was Jesus inner group. How were the apostles chosen? My understanding is that all of his cousins were on Josephs side as Mary was an only child. If not, then you dont. For the most part, though, they were probably young to middle-aged men. The greek word here is adelphos and indicates a shared parent. Greetings, dont understand when you guys said mary the wife of god, ist she the wife of Joseph on earth? Recorded by Painting of such in Monastry of Mount Athos, and by all early Cristian researchers and well known by the Orthodox British Church The names of Jesus' apostles have become the most common names for males in the Western world. Joseph and Simon and Judas? Your email address will not be published. Over twenty million years ago, billions of small marine animals . Humans, plants, and animals were created to be material/physical beings, and this is why these organisms were confined to the Garden of Eden. 1. There he is credited with writing the last book of the New Testament--the Revelation. His parents were still together when He was 12 years old do anyone honestly believe they did not have a real human relationship ????.. In John 19: 26-27, Jesus entrusts his mother Mary to John after His death. How could Jesus have fulfilled His destiny as Savior had He not suffered and died on the cross? Joseph protected Mary, cared for her, provided for her and married her out of both natural feelings and Divine direction. Mary was impregnated by God! That makes St. Peter between 63 and 66 years old when he died. How old was St John when Jesus died? God bless you, Your email address will not be published. I believe they both knew it, and that Judas faced the most difficult task ever given a mortal man. Per bible study in greek,hebrew,aramic,Jesus had at least 3 blood brothers and 3 sisters,conceived by most likely his mom Mary,,and his stepdad Joseph. No Mary is not part of the Godhead, and Mary is never to be prayed to. Jesus had brothers. Thomas (Martyred: 70 A.D.) Jeremiah 9:23-24. He had James, the brother of John, put to death with the sword.". Tomb of the Apostle Phillip is found in Hierapolis. Correction to last statement from Travis H. Read Mark 6:1-3 not Mark 3:1-3, Answer: Jesus brothers are mentioned in several Bible verses. Recorded in scripture. Truths will be kept secretive for reasons of mans fears. The brothers came from the village of Bethsaida (John 1:43, 12:21). I to also believe judas iscariot went/is going to heaven, he repented therefore Jesus is a forgiving savior. He will i destory. All agree that he was crucified. I rember reading in sunday school lesson. Judas Iscariot has no bad intention to betrayed Jesus. Matthias was the apostle that was selected to replace Judas who hung himself. He was the apostle chosen to replace Judas. He is reported to have been crucified at Patrae in Achaia. The following is what Gods Word says about the Trinity: 1) There is one God (Deuteronomy 6:4; 1 Corinthians 8:4; Galatians 3:20; 1 Timothy 2:5). In the Acts of the Apostles 7:56-60, St. Stephen is the first to be accounted for. The only apostle whose death the Bible records is James (Acts 12:2). Your body will be resurrected at the end, This was a good research. As a man, I know I still have much to learn about seeing things from the perspective of women. At least two of the Apostles, Peter and Andrew were crucified. Please see the following From Acts 12: 1-2. Each of the 12 apostles left families and careers, often traveling alone to distant countries, declaring that Jesus died and came back to life. As Jesus began His public ministry, He was about 30 years old. Matthew was a tax collector for the Roman Empire. I believe he did repent and was murdered Isnt there a tradition held that St Bartholomew was flayed alive? If this pattern was consistent with the followers of Jesus, some of them may have joined Jesus as early as age 13 and would have still been teenagers at the time of His death, resurrection, and ascension. Mazarine Library, Paris. In the seas and in the depths he does it ( Ps 135: 6), also what is Please inform them lovingly,biblically! Nathanael. The apostles were 12 of the disciples of Jesus who went on to spread his message and found the early Christian church. The Bible tells us that Jesus had four brothers: James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas (Matthew 13:55). Yes thats true, this bible passage is about John the Baptist not John the Beloved. There are numerous references in the scriptures showing they are separate. Jesus said to his Father that he lost him. The cultism of Catholicism is difficult for them to accept. And he called His Name . no body dies and either go to heaven or to hell whether did good or bad until that day Jesus Returns! Jesus also showed the dignity of men in unique ways. Is he again jesuss brother by birth? Material beings understand material things, and spiritual beings understand spiritual things Jesus of course was obviously the oldest child, although his conception was by God instead of Joseph like the rest. Also, the Bible tells us that Judas was embezzling the disciples funds. He was probably most active in the area east of Syria. Tradition says that James was crucified in Lower Egypt and then sawed in pieces (A.D. 62). Yes someone had to be chosen to do this give birth to Jesus, but she is not to be idolized to a statue sense / she is rather, humble and blessed, totally all human like us. Mary did not ascend into heaven, and to call her the Queen of heaven is blasphemy. This certainly contradicts Matt. In Genesis 1:1, the Hebrew plural noun Elohim is used. No such references in the Bible. cit., II, xxii, 5). Acts 1:9-11 WOW JIM! Matthew 13 v 55 records these brothers as known and recognised by people local to Nazareth and around Galilee. St. John was most likely a teenager, perhaps the youngest of all of them-he lived for a very long time after the Ascension, dying close to the year 100 AD! Jesus grew up in a family, with siblings cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and neighbors. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Bible Charts and Maps, PO Box 171053, Austin, TX 78717 that is in regards to HOW WE LIVE AND PRESENT OURSELVES. 25but knew her not until she gave birth to her Son, the first-born. He was the tax collector, and writer of a Gospel ministered in Persia and Ethiopia. Does it Matter That I Didn't Keep My Goals for Lent? Hell would mean everyone is immortal, which is not Biblical. 6:33 where Jesus brothers are listed and sisters are implied but not named. Mark 6 v 3 records the same names being given, and the mention of sisters present. The later traditions carry him farther east. Read how each of the apostles spread out to minister and evangelize and how many of the apostles died for their faith. If the human/physical existence was so insignificant that it would be destined for Heaven, why would the angels have been driven by jealousy and envy to fall to a human state? How Long Was Joseph In Potiphars House? He even said so. Judas was used as His instrument. with a large sword wound in his chest. and . If Adam and Eve had not have disobeyed, then they would not have returned to dust because returning to dust would be the wage of sin (death). Hi, The only prayer right before garden of gethsemane prayer. If not, then hell was his destination. You notice this text says, destroy, not send to hell. So where did Judas go? He was born about 1 B.C. Jesus taught that marriage was the true way(new and everlasting covenant). Describe how John Mark escaped being crucified and how did he die..need for Sunday School this Sunday. We know that a few of them had established jobs including being a fisherman (Peter, Andrew, James and John) or tax-collector (Matthew). 3. Catholicism has muddied the waters and mystified things in their effort to control the people. They later settled in a home together in the town of Capernaum. As God, Jesus had to know full well whod betray Him. John was old enough to care for Mary, so he was at least 20 at the time of the crucifixion. From the Catholic Encyclopedia. Expected to be his witnesses ( Matthew 28:18-20 ; Acts 1:8 ) and! How did he die.. need for Sunday School this Sunday now we... Collector, and writer of a Gospel ministered in Persia and Ethiopia from among the twelve apostles are... Rash way quoting refer to the death of the apostles died for their faith talking about earthly. Material/Physical in heaven or to hell exist in scripture my Goals for Lent his witnesses ( Matthew )... The Acts of the apostles died for their faith not part of Jesus who went on to spread message. Early Christian Church are separate and married her out of both natural feelings and Divine.... 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